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About this Product
Experience a unique marvel of rail innovation, an Underground veteran turned Solent explorer. Modern-day Isle of Wight duties await with Rivet Games’ Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 for Train Sim World 2!
Please note: Train Sim World 2: Isle of Wight is NOT required to play this add-on. The Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 EMU comes with its own, modernised version of the route.
For the past 50 years, the Island Line, which traverses the Isle of Wight from the water-lapped Ryde Pier south to Shanklin, has been uniquely operated by otherwise life-expired London Underground tube stock. 1967 saw the introduction of the Standard Stock, given new life as the Class 485 and 486, which were then replaced in 1989 with the Class 483, itself formed from old 1938 Stock. Being over 80 years old though, the 483s were in dire need of a replacement.
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The tradition of using ex-Underground stock would continue, but in a way that would rock the boat for the line as it was. An order for 5 Vivarail D-Trains, rebuilt and modernised vehicles from the District Line D78 Stock, was placed. Being sub-surface trains, this saw the line overhauled to accommodate the new, taller fleet. Platforms were rebuilt, track was altered, new signalling was installed.
Following months of upgrades and testing, the new BR Class 484 entered service in November 2021. These 2-car EMUs retain their Underground soul, but are also kitted out with modern cabs, revised interiors, digital destination displays, and new headlights.
In Train Sim World 2, take control of this modern-classic along an upgraded Isle of Wight, across a series of engaging scenarios and an all-day timetable. Ride to Ryde and Shuttle to Shanklin, a new set of challenges await with Rivet Games’ Island Line 2022: BR Class 484!
Key Features
- Island Line BR Class 484 EMU
- Highly detailed, feature-rich, driving cabs with accurate true-to-life performance and handling
- Modernised 2022 Isle of Wight route with new signalling, trackwork and station platforms
- Journey Mode featuring lots of activities for you to master
- Accessible Training Modules and 5 detailed and engaging scenarios
- 24-hour Timetable
- A selection of Route Tasks to complete
- Livery Designer, Scenario Planner and Creators Club compatible
- Powered by Dovetail Games’ proprietary SimuGraph® vehicle dynamics engine and Unreal Engine 4® technology
Release Date: 19/07/2022
Developer: Rivet Games
Language: English, German, French
Watch devblog videos about this route:
Rivet Games
Train Sim World 2 | Class 484 Walkaround Preview
Get an exclusive first look on the Class 484, the new train for our Island Line 2022 route for Train Sim World 2. Learn more here: DOVETAIL ROADMAP ARTICLE LINK
🛒 Preorder the Island Line 2022: Class 484 now and save 10%: https://www.rivet-games.com/product/tsw2-isle-of-wight/
🌟If you don’t own the existing Isle of Wight: Ryde - Shanklin, we have some exciting news for you: You can get both routes with the Isle of Wight Bundle, at 20% off! The bundle includes Isle of Wight: Ryde - Shanklin with the Class 483 AND the new Island Line 2022: Class 484! Get the bundle here:
🛒 https://www.rivet-games.com/product/isle-of-wight-bundle/
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#RivetGames #TrainSimWorld2 #TSW #Class484 #IsleOfWight #Preview
Rivet Games
Community Update | What's new on the Island Line
In this episode of our Community Update, our Community Manager Jasper shows what makes the Island Line 2022 so different from the existing Isle of Wight. Let's jump right in!
🛒 Get the Island Line 2022: Class 484 now: https://www.rivet-games.com/product/island-line-class-484/
0:00 Intro
0:29 What happened?
0:58 Recreating the infrastructure changes
1:26 Station details
1:47 Walkable areas for you to explore
2:34 Old vs. new Isle of Wight
3:08 Details we love! 😍
3:37 New collectables!
3:48 Outro
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#RivetGames #TrainSim #TSW #Class484 #IslandLine #IsleofWight
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Rivet Games
Community Update | The Coolest Class 484 Features!
In this episode of our Community Update, our Community Manager Jasper shows off what the Class 484 has to offer - and trust us: There's plenty!
🛒 Get the Island Line 2022: Class 484 now: https://www.rivet-games.com/product/island-line-class-484/
0:00 Opener
0:18 Intro
0:31 Another tube train??
0:44 Details over details on the exterieur
1:03 The interior (uh, posters!
1:24 Turn me on (buttons and indicators)
1:49 What? Guard panels? - Yep!
1:58 Door setup between coaches
2:11 Fancy features on the exterior
2:36 Outro & Endcard
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#RivetGames #TrainSim #TSW #Class484 #IslandLine #IsleofWight
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Rivet Games
Train Sim World 2 | Class 484 - Modelling the Train in Blender
Welcome to this BR Class 484 devblog video. The BR Class 484 EMU is part of the Island Line 2022: Class 484 addon for Train Sim World 2. Our 3D artist Madga is talking you through the process behind this very special, converted tube train.
🛒 Preorder the Island Line 2022: Class 484 now and save 10%: https://www.rivet-games.com/product/tsw2-isle-of-wight/
0:00 Intro
0:16 A look at the exterior
1:43 The drivers cab
2:17 Bringing together individual pieces
3:32 Static vs animated mesh
4:09 The inside or why there are no seats
6:53 Texturing the outer shell
7:50 Painting the inside
8:37 Let's admire it in-game
10:02 Outro & Endcard
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Watch others who have played this route:
Rivet Games
TSW 2 Isle of Wight 2022 mit neuem Rollmaterial (BR 484) 🚂 Train Sim World 2 #51
► Strecke: Isle of Wight 2022 (aus dem 484'er Addon)
► Zug: Class 484
► Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLubazNilAwdoenk7WSUQTICTZ-UIYVTS_
---------- Transparenz ----------
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✖️ Vorgaben über Inhalt/Art d. Berichterstattung
► Entwickler: DTG
► Published by Dovetail Games
► Plattform: PC (via Steam)
► Spielebeschreibung:
Erleben Sie ein Wunder der Eisenbahninnovation, ein Untergrundveteran, der sich in einen Inselentdecker verwandelt hat. Moderne Zugdienste auf der Isle of Wight erwarten Sie mit Rivet Games‘ Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 für Train Sim World 2!
Bitte beachten Sie: Train Sim World 2: Isle of Wight wird NICHT benötigt, um dieses Add-on spielen zu können. Die Island Line 2022: BR Class 484 EMU hat ihre eigene, modernisierte Version der Strecke.
In den vergangenen 50 Jahren betrieb die Island Line, die vom Wasser umspülten Ryde Pier südlich nach Shanklin durch die Isle of Wight führt, auf einzigartige Weise ehemals ausgemusterte Züge der London Underground. 1967 wurde der Standard Stock eingeführt, erhielt ein neues Leben als Class 485 und Class 486, die dann 1989 durch die Class 483 aus ehemaligen 1938 Stock ersetzt wurde. Die 483 ist über 80 Jahre alt und benötigte nun einen dringenden Ersatz.
Die Tradition, Züge der London Underground zu nutzen, wurde fortgeführt, aber auf eine Art und Weise, die für Veränderungen sorgte. Eine Bestellung von 5 Vivarail D-Zügen, modernisierten und umgebauten District Line D78 Stock, wurde aufgegeben. Da es Untergrundzüge waren, musste die Strecke an die neuen, höheren Züge angepasst werden. Bahnsteige wurden umgebaut, Gleisführungen wurden geändert und neue Signalanlagen wurden installiert.
Nach Monaten des Umbaus und des Testbetriebs wurde die neue BR Class 484 im November 2021 in den Dienst gestellt. Diese aus 2 Wagen bestehenden Elektrotriebzüge behalten ihre Untergrund-Seele bei, haben aber moderne Führerstände, überarbeitete Innenausstattungen, digitale Zugzielanzeiger und neue Zugspitzensignale.
In Train Sim World 2 übernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über diesen modernen Klassiker entlang der modernisierten Isle of Wight mithilfe von herausfordernden Szenarien und einem Ganztagsfahrplan. Fahren Sie nach Ryde und pendeln Sie nach Shanklin, neue Herausforderungen erwarten Sie mit Rivet Games‘ Island Line 2022: BR Class 484!
Island Line BR Class 484 EMU
Extrem detailgetreue, funktionsreiche Führerstände mit lebensechter Leistung und Handhabung
Modernisierte „2022 Isle of Wight“-Strecke mit neuen Signalanlagen, Gleisen und Bahnsteigen
Rivet Games
484 + 484 = Double Fun! (Isle Of Wight 2022)|Train Sim World 2
Buy It Here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664958/Train_Sim_World_2_Island_Line_2022_BR_Class_484_EMU_AddOn/
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Rivet Games
Train Sim World 2 -- First Look -- Isle of Wight 2022 (NL/Dutch)
Vandaag bekijken de we route, de trein en nemen deze mee van Ryde Pier Head naar Shanklin.
Ik ben een Dovetail Games Ambassador en heb een key voor deze DLC gratis gekregen, dit beïnvloed niet mijn mening over de DLC.
Hieronder kun je links vinden naar de game, route, trein en het scenario.
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1282590/
Route: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664958/
Bezoek mijn website voor meer informatie over mij en wat ik doe @ https://robjansen.info
Volg mij op andere Social Media!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobJansenNL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robjansen1988/
Bekijk de volgende websites om diverse Add-ons voor Train Simulator zoals routes, treinen en scenario's.
Game info:
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Player Comments
“One of the best DLCs so far! I like the little added features such as the need to unlock the cab doors, the lock on the doors between the carriages etc. The scenarios are unexpectedly satisfying and interactive, compared to some other routes. There are still some issues and bugs like falling into holes at the pier station, passengers glitching into structures or falling on the track, but overall this is a solid DLC and I can only recommend it.“
System Requirements
OS: 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X @ 3.7 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 270 with 2 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
OS: 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 @ 3.6 GHz or AMD Ryzen 7 1700 @ 3.8 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 480 with 4 GB VRAM or more
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: Requires mouse and keyboard or Xbox Controller
©2020 Dovetail Games, a trading name of RailSimulator.com Limited (“DTG”). “Dovetail Games”, “Train Sim World” and “SimuGraph” are trademarks or registered trademarks of DTG. Unreal® Engine, ©1998-2020, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Unreal® is a registered trademark of Epic Games. Portions of this software utilise SpeedTree® technology (©2014 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.). SpeedTree® is a registered trademark of Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. All rights reserved. CN is an exclusive copyright and mark of Canadian National Railway Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used here with permission. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of the product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited. Developed and published by DTG.